Blumind is a Canadian deep-tech startup led by industry visionaries.

Our all-analog AI neural network architecture delivers the most efficient power without compromise. Blumind is doing this using standard cost-effective CMOS process technology, enabling AI for everyone, everywhere.
Venture LAB

Cutting Edge Technology

All-analog compute is Blumind’s disruptive technology for AI applications.

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High-Performance, Low-Power
Blumind’s AMPL™ technology delivers industry standard inferencing performance but with up to x1000 lower power, with ultra-low latency compared to legacy digital approaches.
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AMPL™ technology delivers a no-compromise easy to deploy solutions using industry standard software tools for always-on applications.
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Better Computing
We use standard CMOS processes, and our architecture minimizes PVT and drift effects. We deliver the accuracy and scale needed for today's leading edge use cases.
Revolutionizing Industries:

Transforming Industries with All-Analog Edge AI

Wearable & Personal Devices

  • Earbuds
  • Smart Glasses  & AR/VR headsets
  • Fitness trackers 
  • Smartwatches
  • Cameras
  • Pointers and mice
  • Tablets
  • Pen input and stylus

Connected Home

  • Remote controls
  • Smart speakers
  • Set-top boxes & smart displays
  • Light switches and power outlets
  • Faucets & toilets
  • Thermostats
  • Blinds, skylights and fans
  • White goods
  • Home gym
  • Smart robots
  • Smoke detectors

Industrial, Agriculture & Medical

  • Process control – vision, vibration & spectroscopy
  • Building control
  • Crop management and fruit ripeness
  • Irrigation, pesticide, fertilizer management
  • Animal wellbeing
  • Hearing aids, fall monitors
  • EKG, heart rate, blood pressure
  • Blood glucose & gases

Safety & Security

  • Intruder detection
  • Crowd management & counting
  • Glass break, splash detection
  • Access control
  • Air quality monitoring
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Occupancy detection

Smart Mobility

  • Smart Tire Classification
  • Rear seat occupant detection
  • Hands free voice interface
  • Gesture and face recognition
  • Driver monitoring
  • Biometric access control
  • Reversing & cross path detection
  • EV battery management

Mil Aero

  • Collision Avoidance in UAV
  • Cameras - Image Analysis 
  • Radar & Sonar - Target identification 
  • LiDAR imaging
  • Night Vision Enhancement 
  • Smart Glasses
  • Voice Interface

Our Products

Blumind offers all-analog solutions including devices, chiplets (KGD), IP and software solutions
Ultra Low Power Devices
Ultra Low Power Devices

Blumind’s always-on ultra-low power, small footprint, low latency and low-cost analog neural signal processors (NSPs) for OEM products


Always-on Key Word Detection/Audio/Time Series Data


Always-on Vision, Images, Sensor Fusion with Audio

AMPL IP Chiplets
AMPL™ IP/Chiplets

Blumind’s AMPL™ IP core or chiplet technology can be integrated into ODM products

Low-cost standard CMOS

Silicon proven

Power Performance Area (PPA) optimized

PVT and drift compensated


Production grade models for rapid deployment of always-on classification for Blumind products

No custom complier required. No run-time code.

Simple translation from standard AI training flow to Blumind’s AMPL™ implementation


Support on data set training and implementation to accelerate AI deployment.

Sustainable AI

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Sustainable AI

Our goal is net-negative emissions. By lowering total system power using an all-analog solution you can add AI functionality and reduce overall power consumption (see our 20x example below). 

Blumind’s products are part of the solution to a sustainable AI future.

Stay in the Loop:

News and Blogs

August 21, 2024
August 21, 2024
Why Blumind is a Top AI/ML Startups to 'Bet On Changing the World'.

Read this great summary from Justin Kinsey on why Blumind should be on your list…

SBT C Suite video
July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024
SBT C Suite Spotlight – Niraj Mathur, co-founder and COO Blumind

C Suite Spotlight, President Justin Kinsey talks with Niraj Mathur, co-founder a…